Monday, August 5, 2013

A nugget from Apostle Debra Giles

TRANSITION is never easy but necessary for continued growth. MOVEMENT is required to get from here to there. Don't get STUCK in the middle of transition like Israel did on the way to a PERMANENT place they got stuck in a TEMPORARY situation. Lord, help me not to get stuck!!! It is not enough to start the change you have to complete the change! Come all the way to the other side!!!! We all have started many things and then stop never completing the tasks, yet we expect to reap the benefits of what has been left undone. NEWS FLASH: There can be no reward until everything has been completed, until the final move has taken place!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON??? Time is on your side right now. Move while that door is open. It won't be long before that door closes and you will only have yourself to blame if you don't do it now. I hear that for somebody!!! Is it you? What are you afraid of?? You have nothing to lose!!!! Everything to gain!!!

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