Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Saved this Date

 Rhema Life Church anniversary  will be held on - December 14-16. We will be honoring the Angels of our house Founder/Apostle Debra Giles and Pastor /Prophet Joshua Giles on Sunday 16th at 10 am.  You do not want to miss this service! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Upcoming Events

Please Join Rhema Life Church International November 11/02/12 for a time of prophecy and prayer for America at 7pm. The location is 500 S. New Hope Road Suite 108. Raleigh NC 27601

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Books By Pastor/Prophet Joshua Giles

Commanding the Elements Ignited and Fired Up Numbers the Hidden Meanings PIT Prophet in Training The Dream World The Spirit of Raid

Books and Manuals By Apostle Debra Giles

Seasons of Assuault Strateia-The Apostolic Career The Power of Deception The Power to Command Entry-Level Warfare Manual Advance-Level Warfare Manual Mid-Level Warfare Manual

Friday, February 24, 2012

"Apostle Debra Thomas Giles will be ministering Friday February 24, 2012 7:30pm at Salvation & Deliverance Ministries' Prophetic Encounter Conference.They are located at 1411 F Diggs Dr. Raleigh NC, 27603."